This series was created in Brussels, in the famous flea market of Place du Jeu de Balle. When the junk dealers pack their merchandise around noon, they usually leave unsellable things behind. Amongst these unloved abandoned things, there are sometimes old photos. Old family pictures, forgotten holiday memories, portraits from a bygone era… These pictures must have counted for someone someday, and yet they are now lying abandoned and forgotten on the old cobblestones. Who were these people ? What were their stories ? How did their pictures end up there ? What dramas unfolded for these photos to finish on the streets, waiting for the garbage truck to pass ? I find this heartbreaking. I therefore decided to re-photograph these pictures before they are gone forever, in order to give them a second life and and new story to their protagonists. This series finds its place in the continuity of my ongoing body of work whose purpose is to challenge the ever-changing of human existence.